Puppies are learning from day one, whether you are teaching them or not.
Paw Pack will help you and your puppy get started on a great relationship by taking advantage of your puppy's eager desire to learn. We would love to start with you from day 1, at 8 weeks old! The sooner you start working with your puppy, the easier it is to create the behaviors you like and want. We start with an initial class/meeting and then offer 3 &5 class packages. Here's what we can cover in 5 classes (we can customize this list based on your goals):
Impulse Control & Obedience
Teach your pup to say please instead of jumping up and demanding things
Teach your pup "Leave It"
Safely playing Tug/Fetch
Sits/Downs with quick response
Sit Stays/Down Stays
Exiting cars and/or crates (kennels)
Socialization & Interaction
How to socialize your pup - the Do's & Don'ts
How to help a shy, fearful, anxious pup
How to create a confident adult dog through building trust & confidence
Creating a solid recall: Name Game, Find Me, Round Robin, & Race Back to Me
How to fix a broken recall (targeting)
Resource Guarding
Food, toy, & bone guarding
Create safe meal times for all family members (including children)
Handling Your Puppy Thief
What to do when your puppy steals your things
Potty Training
Crate (Kennel) Training
Polite Greetings
Avoiding and/or eliminating jumping up on people
Walking on Loose Leash
Go to bed, mat, or crate
Managing puppy chewing and nipping
how to prepare your pup for vet visits and grooming (whether it’s professional grooming or home grooming) The less stressful these are for your pup, the easier they are for you, the better they are for your pup and the vet/groomer
Helping Children Understand the Do's & Don't of Having a Puppy
how to play with the puppy
what to do when the puppy is chasing & nipping
how to help train the puppy
Foundations of Training:
Marker-reward based training, operant conditioning, thresholds, classical conditioning, addressing fear, building confidence & trust in your pup as he matures into an adult
Puppy to Adult Dog Development
what to expect through puppy stages, including how to deal with your puppy as he goes through the "teenage" months
meeting your pup's enrichment needs, whether it's 100 or -10 degrees outside to avoid having your furniture "antiqued" or being "doggie decorated"
We want to help you create a solid, trusting bond that will last a lifetime.
Our first meeting is about 1-1.5 hours long, $100. Be sure to have everyone who lives with your pup there so that we can get everyone's input and get everyone on the same page to help you and your puppy succeed!
Based on your needs, we offer:
3 Class Package: $300
5 Class Package: $485

“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” ~~Bernard Williams